
Reformed Theological College

"our passion is to train people to know and serve God better. Christ centred training for life and ministry."

RTC is an independent, non-denominational college in the heart of Melbourne’s city. Our experienced and engaging lecturers help men and women connect reformed evangelical theology to the realities of life and ministry. Warm relationships and rich interactions make our community feel like a family.

Middle East Reformed Fellowship

The Middle East Reformed Fellowship (MERF) is committed to the proclamation of the Gospel throughout the Arab and Muslim countries of the world and strengthening the Church through teaching the historic Christian faith as expressed in the Early Christian Creeds and the Confessions of the Protestant Reformation.

On behalf of Reformed Churches and Christian believers worldwide, MERF operates in many countries, from North and East Africa to the Middle East and, more recently, to Pakistan, and Indonesia.

Crossroads Prison Ministry

Crossroads Prison Ministries is all about the good news of Jesus. We believe that it is only Jesus who breaks the chains of the prisoner and brings true freedom to all who come to him, regardless of where they are or have been. We also believe that everyone needs to hear this good news, ‘for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.’ (Romans 3:23). Jesus tells those who believe in him to ‘go and make disciples of all people’, including people in prison.

Crossroads is uniquely placed to help churches and their members reach those in prison with the good news of Jesus, through teaching and mentoring, pastoral care, and prayer; as we partner with you to mentor and equip prisoners for a life transformed by and for Jesus.

Children of Blessing – Malawi

Children of Blessing Trust operates in Lilongwe Malawi providing services for children with disabilities. Hope CCC provides financial support for a special needs teacher at the Children of Blessing School.
See Children of Blessing on Facebook.

SWIM Solomon Islands

Hope CCC have a long history of practical support to the CRCA mission to the Solomon Islands through SWIM. A major part of that support has been preparing and shipping containers with a range of different practical goods, including medical and educational items.

SWIM Solomon Islands logo

World Transform

World Transform is a denominational committee of the CRCA that administers contributions from our churches to provide aid in situations of physical need and distress due to poverty and disaster. Hope CCC holds regular collections and participates in special appeals for funds to be distributed by World Transform.

World Transform logo


IndiWay is a denominational committee of the CRCA that supports church planting in and around Gujerat, in India. Hope CCC supports this work financially and prayerfully.

IndiWay is a partnership in proclaiming Jesus.

• the “Indi” part of our name is about reaching indigenous people in India.

• The “Way” part of our name is about the one “way” of salvation and the fact that the first name for the early church was the “Way”.