Welcome to Hope Christian Community Church

We’re a community of people committed to the life-changing message about Jesus and his love for our broken and hurting world.

It’s a message of hope that we know we need, because we’re broken by sin. And we know our world is broken and hurting too, so we also want others to know the joy of this message. We believe that when you really encounter Jesus, your life will never be the same again.

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We’re located in Sydney’s western suburbs, between Blacktown and Penrith.

We’d love to have you join us at 9.30am on Sundays for our services. These are times when our church family meets together, not just for an event, but as an expression of our relationship with God and each other. So, we sing, and we pray, and we hear what God has to say to us in his word, the Bible, through which we’re encouraged and challenged.

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74 Marsden Rd, St Marys

Breakfast + Fellowship + Speaker | RSVP

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74 Marsden Rd, St Marys

Breakfast + Fellowship + Speaker | RSVP

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Fellowship is a word used frequently in Christian circles, but what exactly is it?

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Adjusting to the challenges of the Coronavirus pandemic.

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Our perspective of what we hope to achieve in this life should reach far beyond this life, to eternity.

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Finishing the race well might not be nearly as common as we might hope it’d be.

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Our goal is to be a community of people who are joyfully following Jesus and sharing his love.